la stratégie du mimétisme

il n'y a pas que l'astro dans les sciences.
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Lise Evezard
Messages : 1048
Inscription : mer. 9 févr. 2011 11:04

la stratégie du mimétisme

Message par Lise Evezard » mer. 8 mai 2013 09:19

regardez un peu ce communiqué :

Ground-Breaking New Book Offers Scientific Reasoning for Cold Fusion Energy.

Written by Dr. Stoyan Sarg, ‘Structural Physics of Nuclear Fusion’ offers a new and compelling understanding of the physical process.

Toronto, Ontario – Following a diligent period of research and development, Canada’s Dr. Stoyan Sarg is delighted to announce the launch of his new book – ‘Structural Physics of Nuclear Fusion’.
This latest book is a continuation of the original approach used in Sarg’s ‘Basic Structures of Matter - Supergravitation Unified Theory (BSM-SG)’, published by in 2002, where the feasibility of cold fusion was predicted. The remarkable advances in cold fusion during the last few years prompted a new book to focus on the problems that bother many theorists and researchers.
Using the atomic models derived in BSM-SG theory, Sarg theoretically shows that overcoming the Coulomb barrier does not require a temperature of millions of degrees, rather an accessible temperature by using properly selected isotopes and technical methods. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain nuclear energy with a lack of minimum radioactive by-products.
The book also provides a method for analysis of the cold fusion (LENR) experiments using the BSM-SG models, as well as a selection of isotopes suitable for a more efficient energy yield with a minimum of radioactivity. Finally, it focuses on practical considerations for selection of the technical method and the reaction environment.
“The cold fusion might be an environmentally safer replacement of the nuclear power based on enriched uranium-235. It also has a potential of a delocalized energy source with much lower cost,” says Sarg.
Structural Physics of Nuclear Fusion is available from in paperback (ISBN9781482620030) and Kindle versions (ISBN9780973051582).
A video of a talk at the International Scientific Conference in 2012 preceding the publishing of the new book, is available here:" onclick=";return false;
A scientific paper is available here:" onclick=";return false;
**The author is available for media interviews.

About the Author:
Stoyan Sarg - Sargoytchev, a Bulgarian born Canadian, holds an engineering diploma and a PhD in Physics. From 1976 to 1990 he was a scientist at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, working on space projects coordinated by the program Intercosmos, established by the former Soviet Union in collaboration with European countries. From 1990 he was a visiting scientist at Cornell University for two years and worked on NSF project at Arecibo Observatory, PR.
In 1992 he took scientific positions in Canadian government institutions and universities working on space and atmospheric research projects. Paying attention to unexplained phenomena and unsolved problems in Physics, he arrived at an original idea about space, matter and energy that he elaborated in his treatise BSM-SG. Stoyan Sarg has over 70 scientific publications in English and Russian languages, four US patents, and four scientific books in English. He is an emeritus member of the Society for Scientific Exploration and a Distinguished scientific advisor to the World Institute for Scientific Exploration.

Dr. Stoyan Sarg" onclick=";return false;

"A scientific paper is available here:" onclick=";return false;"
alors GSJournal... :shock:
oh ben tiens je vous laisse découvrir, moi ça me laisse sans voix

au fil des liens on tombe sur un filon entier de... pfff... comment dire... ... ology.html" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

"He is an emeritus member of the Society for Scientific Exploration and a Distinguished scientific advisor to the World Institute for Scientific Exploration." ... xploration+(WISE" onclick=";return false;)" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

nan mais allô quoi... :?
(là, ça me semble un bon moment pour l'utiliser...)
Suivre l'étoile, peu m'importent mes chances, peu m'importe le temps...

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Vincent Boudon
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Inscription : sam. 5 juil. 2008 12:36
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Re: la stratégie du mimétisme

Message par Vincent Boudon » mer. 8 mai 2013 10:28

:lol :lol :lol

Un vrai crank qui s'y croit, quoi ;)

Faisons quand même gaffe aux comètes bourrées d'antimatière :lol

Moi, un coup, à un colloque il y a plusieurs années, j'ai vu un ouzbèque qui avait réussi à placer une communication sur l'antigravité. Il parlait en russe avec un traducteur. La salle était hilare !

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Eric Chariot
Messages : 10345
Inscription : mar. 1 juil. 2008 19:13
Localisation : Nuits-Saint-Georges

Re: la stratégie du mimétisme

Message par Eric Chariot » mer. 8 mai 2013 11:09

Il va jusqu'à donner son nom au principe physique qu'il a inventé ! 'The Sarg Effect" ! Tout ça avec une petite vidéo montrant des trucs qui tournent et font de la lumière... Et surtout qui montre tout le temps son bouquin ! C'est facile d'avoir un nobel ;) ... 6APWRVDovo" onclick=";return false;

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Lise Evezard
Messages : 1048
Inscription : mer. 9 févr. 2011 11:04

Re: la stratégie du mimétisme

Message par Lise Evezard » mer. 8 mai 2013 18:49

Eric a écrit :C'est facile d'avoir un nobel ;)
... à moins que le Nobel soit trop "science officielle" pour lui ! :lol: Oh le méchant dilemme !
Suivre l'étoile, peu m'importent mes chances, peu m'importe le temps...
